Housewife pours hot water on mate
30 years old housewife, Hadiza Abba, on Monday appeared before an Area Court in Jos, Plateau, for allegedly causing grievous hurt to her co-wife.“The suspect boiled hot water and poured on one Mrs Zainab Abba that they are married to the same husband.”The police First Information Report (FIR) stated that the accused committed the offence on Aug. 4, at about 3p.m.The FIR said that on Aug. 13, at about 5p.m, one Sagiru Maishanu went to the `C` Division police station in Jos and reported that the accused had committed the offence.It said that the complainant, who was the brother of the victim, told the police that the action of the accused had made his sister to sustain severe burnt.“The victim has sustained severe burn on her back and breast, and she was rushed to a hospital for treatment.“The action of the accused has contravened Section 242 of the Penal Code law,” the FIR said.When the FIR was read to the accused, she pleaded not guilty to the charge and her Counsel, Mr A. S. Umar, applied to the court for her bail.Umar said that his client was presumed innocent until proven otherwise by the court and that she was ready to provide competent surety if given the bail.The Police Prosecutor, Mr Mubas Rafan, objected to the bail application of the accused, saying that the police was still investigating the matter.Rafan said that the victim had sustained serious hurt from the action of the accused and she did not deserve bail.The Presiding Officers, Mrs Halima Bala and Mrs Mary Izang, however, granted bail to the accused in the sum of N200,000 with one surety in like sum.The court adjourned the case to Sept. 16 for hearing.
Make revenue sharing proportionate to responsibilities, Obasanjo tells RMAFC
Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has advised members of the Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission to make the sharing of the nation’s revenue among different levels of governments proportionate to their responsibilities.Obasanjo also said that the items on the exclusive and the concurrent lists in the constitution must be quantified to determine how much of the nation’s resources should be allocated to them.Speaking in his Abeokuta residence on Monday when members of the RMAFC paid him an advocacy visit ahead of the proposed review of the existing revenue sharing formulae.According to Obasanjo, the need for the quantification of responsibilities of the different tiers of governments is necessary for a fair and equitable revenue sharing formula.Obasanjo who emphasised that it was necessary, to avoid a lopsided or disproportionate revenue sharing formula urged the commission to engage the services of experts and consultants.
Police confirm killing of 5 family members in Plateau
The Police in Plateau on Monday confirmed the killing of five members of a family at Kunte village near Maraba Jama’a in Jos South Local Government Area, by unknown gunmen.DSP Felicia Anslem, the Command’s Public Relations Officer, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Jos that the murder took place around 10.45p.m on Sunday Sept. 1.Anslem said those killed were a “father, mother and three children.”According to the spokesperson, investigation into the killings, has commenced, adding that the police were doing their best to apprehend the culprits.
Six killed in another attack in Plateau
The Plateau State Government has condemned Sunday night’s killing of six members of two families in their homes at Kungte village in Jos South Local Government Area of the state.Commissioner for Information and Communication, Yiljap Abraham said in a statement Monday that the attack on innocent people mostly women and children at a time peace had virtually returned to the state was a cowardly act.Unknown gunmen attacked the village at about 8pm on Sunday gunning down six people in two compounds. The gunmen said to have been armed with sophisticated weapons, reportedly shot sporadically into the compounds.The statement by the commissioner read: “The Plateau State Government has received reports of attacks on some communities in the state with great indignation.“The unprovoked killing of six members of two families in their home in Kungte village, Kanadap (near Marraraban Jama’a) in Kuru District of Jos South Local Government Area by gunmen on Sunday September 1, 2013, is an evil and wicked act that should be condemned by all members of society.“It is also a display of cowardice by the perpetrators who under the cover of darkness deliberately chose to visit violence on vulnerable members of society – women and children -to achieve clearly devilish designs.“Such an attack, coming at a time when the state has been mostly peaceful for quite sometime appears a desperate attempt to reverse the gains of our hard-earned efforts in breaking down the barriers of ethnic and religious intolerance and thereby rebuilding the bridges of communal consensus.”It added that security has been beefed up in the affected areas to check any further breach of the peace.Just last week, six people including a pregnant woman, were ambushed and killed at Bisichi while returning to their villages from Bukuru by yet to be identified gunmen.
Robbers kill 15-year-old boy in Sokoto